"I felt safe and comfortable as soon as I sat down and Kaitlyn went through what would happen.
I was guided through the session in a beautiful gentle way. The answers seemed to just come from somewhere. I was very surprised at how I felt the past in my body (in the present).
Kaitlyn did some energy healing as well which is exactly what I needed.
When I left the session I felt clear of all those past feelings and was in a complete state of peace and bliss. I feel like I have given my soul a well overdue gift by doing this past life. Not once since have I been worried or dwelled on what I have learnt, it`s helped to make sense of things and clear the deeply embedded emotions that were there.
Thank you Kaitlyn.
Past life regression can be part of our Soul`s quest for self discovery. Understanding our connections with family, friends or associates can reveal information that can help us understand and enjoy improved relationships. We can understand more about our purpose in this current life, and the purpose of our relationships with others. Sometimes we feel we `know` people we have only just met, and can have a positive or negative reaction to them. We have made many choices throughout our Soul`s journey, and can gain insight and wisdom by accessing and re-discovering that wisdom which can lie dormant beneath the surface.
Often, physical and emotional traumas and pain can have their origins in past lives. Locating the origins can help us release them during this particular lifetime. Any unresolved issues can be dealt with in this current consciousness if the time is right for you to do so, meaning you are unlikely to carry them forward once more to future lives.
We are also able to ground and focus on building strengths for the future by exploring our Soul purpose. Memories of past lives can reveal our developing journey of understanding and wisdom. What might be your subconscious passion? Why do you like or dislike certain things? What are you passionate about? What are you drawn to? We can gain a greater sense, a more powerful perspective, of our place in the world. We can also sense our own inner power, and our ability to change our lives, grow through our experiences and guide ourselves in a more conscious direction towards our goals, dreams and wishes. It can be an opportunity to get to know yourself better and discover past hidden gifts and talents.
Sometimes people may wonder if they are making up a story about a past life from their imagination. There are certain ways to tell if the past life story is authentic. However, there can still be great therapeutic value in what may be considered to be a `made up` story, as this could still help you gain very useful insights into your life.
Past life regression can help us reach a place of resolution and peace with where we are in this life and with our own Soul`s journey. All of which ultimately makes it easier for us to connect to who and what we really are by reaching a point where we can just be. Past life regression is one of the ways we can finally come to that realisation. We all have our own path. If you feel this may be part of yours, then I will be very happy to hear from you.
FOOTNOTE: Depending on what your own personal beliefs are and what resonates for you. It is also said that which you heal now, or in the past affects your present, past and your future. As there is no time and everything is now, however some people really do find it easier to think of then and now. Another way of looking at things is that when you go into a past life, you are just visiting and connecting with another aspect of you. And as you heal the energy now, you also heal it for then and for what is to come. Everything is connected and each individual has their own path to peace. It is just a case of finding what is right for you. When you find it, you will ultimately come more into alignment with your own Soul energy, which is really what it is all about. This can certainly be an amazing journey for those who feel to take it.
Sessions available IN PERSON
£60 per hour (please book 2 hours for your first session)
Payment by BANK TRANSFER also welcome.
Email me for details and to BOOK.
Email me for details and to BOOK.
Thank you
Disclaimer: Sessions are for entertainment purposes only. Any actions taken by clients following a session remains the sole responsibility of the clients themselves.
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